
Katherine was born in Colorado, and completed much of her professional ballet training in Denver under the guidance of Elizabeth Shipiatsky, currently artistic director of Classical Ballet Academy and Ballet Melange. In the summer of 2011, she studied on full scholarship at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Moscow, Russia. In 2013, Katherine moved to Saint Petersburg, Russia, to continue her training at the Vaganova Ballet Academy, where she trained with world-renowned teachers including Liudmila Kovaleva and Tatiana Udalenkova before graduating in 2015.

Katherine has received numerous awards at various dance competitions. Most notably, in 2012, Katherine was awarded first place in both the senior classical division of the YAGP Denver semifinals, and in the senior division of the Denver Ballet Guild Young Dancers Competition.

Katherine’s professional career began as a dancer with the Maureen Breeze Dance Theater. She later spent one year as a trainee with Ballet Melange. In 2019, she joined the ballet company of the National Opera of Ukraine, located in Kyiv, as a member of the corps de ballet. At the National Opera of Ukraine, Katherine performed a wide range of roles in both ballets and operas, including Swan Lake, Giselle, Sleeping Beauty, the Nutcracker, Master and Margarita, La Traviata, and others. She then danced as a company member with Zikr Dance Ensemble and as a soloist with Ballet Ariel before joining Colorado West Performing Arts Company in 2022.